วันพุธที่ 11 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2552

PetAlive Flatulence Preventer For Flatulence, Bloating, Abdominal Cramps In Pets

PetAlive Flatulence Preventer for Flatulence, Bloating, Abdominal Cramps in Pets

Product Description

Having a pet with flatulence problems can be embarassing, inconvenient, irritating and rather frustrating. But your pet is not having such a great time either. Flatulence is generally caused by a build-up of gas in the stomach or intestines, which is often a result of undigested fermenting food. Some animals are simply unable to digest certain types of food while others have particular food sensitivities. Often animals simply gulp air with their food, which then emerges as intestinal gas. Whatever the cause, the animal usually feels very uncomfortable. Flatulence is often accompanied by bloating, abdominal pain, belching and wind. PetAlive Flatulence Preventer combines selected herbal and homeopathic ingredients to effectively relieve the symptoms of flatulence, gas, bloating and abdominal cramps. It may be safely and effectively used for fast relief from flatulence in pets, as well as being of great benefit in the long term treatment and prevention of digestive problems.
Binding :Misc.
Label :PetAlive
Manufacturer :PetAlive
ProductGroup :Kitchen
Studio :PetAlive
Publisher :PetAlive
Price :$30.95USD
Lowest Price :$20.20USD
  • Being 100% natural, with no artificial preservatives, PetAlive Flatulence Preventer is non-addictive and has NO SIDE EFFECTS. It has become the formula of choice by thousands of satisfied customers around the world for treating flatulence, boating and abdominal cramps in pets.
  • Gold Flax Seed, Inc. offers a One Year unconditional money back guarantee on all Native Remedies, Pet Alive and Natural Eco Organics products.
  • It may be safely and effectively used for fast relief from flatulence in pets, as well as being of great benefit in the long term treatment and prevention of digestive problems.
  • PetAlive Flatulence Preventer is a 100% natural, safe and proven remedy that combines selected herbal and homeopathic ingredients to effectively relieve the symptoms of flatulence, gas, bloating and abdominal cramps. It may be safely and effectively used for fast relief from flatulence in pets, as well as being of great benefit in the long term treatment and prevention of digestive problems.
  • PetAlive Flatulence Preventer is manufactured according to the highest pharmaceutical standards. Individual ingredients are well-researched and are natural, safe and effective.

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